Full butterfly: Sit in the base position. Bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together, keeping the heels as close to the body as possible. Relax the inner thigh muscles fully. Hold the feet with both hands and gently jump your knees up and down. Try to touch the knees to the ground on the downward stroke. Do not use any force. Practice upto 30 up and down movements. Maintain normal breathing unrelated to the practice.
Hand clenching: Sit in base position or any cross legged position. Hold both arms straight in front of the body at shoulder level. Open the hands, palms down and stretch the fingers as wide apart as possible. Close the fingers to make a tight fist with thumbs inside. Again open the hands and stretch the fingers. Repeat 10 times. Inhale on opening the hands. Exhale on closing the hands.
Wrist bending: Sit in base or cross-legged position. Stretch the arms in front of the body at shoulder level. Keep palms open and fingers straight throughout the practice. Bend the hands backward from the wrists as if pressing the palms against a wall with the fingers pointing towards the ceiling. Now, bend the hands forward from the wrists so that the fingers point towards the floor. Elbows to be kept straight throughout the practice. Do not bend the knuckle joints or fingers. Repeat 10 rounds of this up and down movements. Inhale with the backward movement and exhale with the forward movement.
Wrist joint rotation: Sit in base position or any cross-legged position. Back straight. Extend right arm forward at shoulder level. Make a fist with right hand , thumb inside. Left hand may be used as support, if necessary. Now, slowly rotate the fist about the wrist, keeping the palms facing downwards throughout the rotation. Arms and elbows should remain perfectly straight and still. Make as large circles as possible. Practice 10 times clockwise and 10 times anticlockwise. Repeat with the left fist.
Wrist joint rotation can be practiced with both arms together. Rotate both fists (10 times) together in the clockwise direction. Repeat the rotation in anticlockwise direction.
Another variation is that rotate both the fists in opposite directions (10 times) and then reverse the direction (10 times).
Benefits: The hand and wrist asanas are beneficial for arthritis of the related joints.
…… to be contd
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